What's On in our ParishAs we are limited in time (and sometimes abilities) this page will not always be 100% accurate but we will endeavour to let you know of any important events. If there is information which you think should be here please help us out by contacting the parish office by email with details. Thank you.
Children and Youth Ministries St Bernardine's Church.... * Please note Children's choir and Children's Liturgy will break for the school holiday's after the Christmas Week and return in the new year beginning the first week of the school term. Children’s Choir – Primary School Age. *Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Children will gather for practice, during the 9.00am Mass. Children will commence Mass with their families and Fr John will send them out to the undercover area, after the Opening Prayer. The children will return at the commencement of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Children’s Liturgy – Primary School Age. *Every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the Hut Children will commence the 9.00am Mass with their families and Fr John will send them out to The Hut, after the Opening Prayer.The children will return at the commencement of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Youth Mass-The Youth of St Bernardine's invites young parishioners from ages 15-25 to join the Youth Mass. opportunities to be involved in the Choir, be a Reader, participate in the Offertory procession or to meet, greet and welcome people to Mass. Youth Mass will be part of the Parish Mass celebrations every 4th Saturday in the Month. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. Your support is vital in allowing us to offer these ministries. All volunteers and any children liturgy resources eg. music cd’s, bible story books, will be greatly appreciated. Any queries please contact the Parish Office–Ph 38847600 St Bernardine’s Youth we would love to hear your thoughts, dreams and ideas about reigniting a youth ministry in our parish. Email: [email protected] or make a time to come in and talk to Fr. John or Flo Kelly our Youth Worker. Children’s Liturgy and Children’s Choir. Each Sunday during School Term we alternate running children’s liturgy and the children’s choir during the Sunday 9.00am Mass. If you have any queries, please contact: [email protected] |
At St Bernardine's Church
ALPHA 2019- More information to come. Please contact the parish office.
At St Catherine's ChurchNote**
Every second Saturday of the month there will be a Rosary starting from 9:00am. Mass & Rosary on Tuesday Mornings at 8:00am |
At Our Lady of the Assumption Church