The Regents Park Endowment Fund was created in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Brisbane to support our parish activities well into the future. An endowment is a fund in which the principal deposit is permanently invested for growth and never spent down. Each year the fund distributes a percentage of the balance back to the Parish (currently 5%). As the fund matures through investment growth and your donations, the distributions increase and become a steady stream of annual income for the good works of our Parish.
You can support our Parish Endowment Fund through:
Leaving a Gift in your Will
Reflect on the ways your Catholic faith has influenced your life. Discuss your wishes with family and loved-ones and seek professional legal advice before preparing or updating your Will.
The recommended clause for a bequest to your Parish generally or to your Parish Endowment Fund:
“I give [insert amount/percentage/asset] to The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane ABN 25 328 758 007 for the use and benefit of the general charitable, religious and educational purposes of the [#]. However, if this Parish ceases to exist in its current form, then to the new parish or parishes erected in its stead which may include the Parish named in this clause (if more than one then equally as tenants in common). I direct that the receipt of the Financial Administrator for the time being of The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane ABN 25 328 758 007 shall constitute a sufficient discharge to my trustee.”
[#] Insert
“Regents Park Parish Endowment Fund” or “Regents Park Parish, situated at 25 Vergulde Road, Regents Park, Queensland.”
For more information contact the Parish Office or the Catholic Bequest Program at
You can support our Parish Endowment Fund through:
- A gift in your Will – a donation made by bequest in your Will for the future.
- A gift in Memory: a donation made as a tribute to a loved one.
- A gift Today: a donation to support the parish can be made online at or by downloading the donation form.
Leaving a Gift in your Will
Reflect on the ways your Catholic faith has influenced your life. Discuss your wishes with family and loved-ones and seek professional legal advice before preparing or updating your Will.
The recommended clause for a bequest to your Parish generally or to your Parish Endowment Fund:
“I give [insert amount/percentage/asset] to The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane ABN 25 328 758 007 for the use and benefit of the general charitable, religious and educational purposes of the [#]. However, if this Parish ceases to exist in its current form, then to the new parish or parishes erected in its stead which may include the Parish named in this clause (if more than one then equally as tenants in common). I direct that the receipt of the Financial Administrator for the time being of The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane ABN 25 328 758 007 shall constitute a sufficient discharge to my trustee.”
[#] Insert
“Regents Park Parish Endowment Fund” or “Regents Park Parish, situated at 25 Vergulde Road, Regents Park, Queensland.”
For more information contact the Parish Office or the Catholic Bequest Program at